Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Managing the Asset vs Managing the Driver

When we talk about Vehicle Management, what is our primary responsibility? Is it a responsibility of managing the vehicle or about managing the driver? Where do you think is correct to focus upon? It is that the greatest opportunity lies in controlling the costs or increasing productivity?

Though most of the fleet programs focus on modifying the asset and the driver’s behavior, there is a limit how much a fleet manager can modify a fleet selector before beginning to impact the fleet mission. However, in the end you cannot change the fundamental requirement of your business, which necessitates a minimum equipment requirement.
To achieve additional cost control, the best way of achieving it is modifying the driver’s behavior. For the success of any fleet program, one of the most critical aspects is the driver’s participation and compliance. A corporate sustainability program will not succeed without driver participation.  Training, technology and policy compliance are the best ways to ensure driver’s participation.

1) Training Drivers to be Better:  To modify driver behavior is by training them to perform their job more efficiently is one of the best opportunities. You need to have an ongoing eco-driving training program for new hires and periodic refresher courses for current drivers, offering tangible incentives for employees who perform well to maintain the motivation of the driver. For instance, the driving pattern of the driver impacts the fuel consumption which helps in corporate cost reduction and sustainability goals.

2) Driver Compliance Through Fleet Policy: Though the managers attempt to control flee costs on the backend, the best way to prevent unnecessary spending and to establish parameters as to how the drivers should operate and maintain an asset, is through establishing policies and procedures to control the cost before it occurs.

3) Modifying Driver Behavior Using Technology:  To modify driver’s behavior, many effective technology solutions are being adopted by the fleets such GPS productivity tools and telematics systems. These tools and systems are proven to be highly effective in getting drivers to reduce fuel consumption. 

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