Tuesday 2 December 2014

How Sale and Leaseback is a Good Way to Finance and Manage your Business Fleet

Sale and Feedback is the process of selling your owned vehicles to a fleet leasing company, and then lease the vehicles back from them for a reasonable monthly payment. This is one of the cleverest car leasing options to handle your business fleet. It frees up your business’s capital and improves cash flow, and at the same time eases your management team from the responsibilities of fleet management and maintenance.

Like any other business owner, you may wonder how exactly this method is beneficial to your business in the long term. Sale and leaseback offers you a quick way to release the capital held up in your fleet management budget and pump more cash into the ongoing projects that require immediate investment. This is especially useful when you are pinching for cash to handle your new or ongoing projects.

In addition to the advantage of releasing capital, by choosing to sell and leaseback your vehicles, you can stop worrying about the vehicles’ depreciating value. Now that you have improved cash flow, you can rethink your business’s funding strategy according to the current requirements. With the car leasing company under control of the management and maintenance of your fleet, you can pay a small fixed amount every month and use your vehicles at ease, free from all worries of repair and servicing expenses.

At the end of the contract, you don’t have to worry about the vehicle’s resale value as it comes under the car rental company’s risks. After the disposal of the current vehicles, you can renew the contract and get your business fleet restored with new and efficiently managed vehicles. Reputed Fleet services like ALD Automotive also offer helpful services like handling fuel management, accidents and 24 hour on-road assistance. Sale and Leaseback is clearly a win-win deal for any business with vehicle fleet.

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