Monday 1 December 2014

What are the Services you should look for when Choosing a Fleet Leasing Company

Leasing your business fleet definitely makes more sense than buying the vehicles, but you should be careful in choosing the right car leasing company that gives the best value for your money. When leasing in India, you should assess the different fleet management services offered by the company before signing the deal. A reputed car rental company offers a number of services ranging from maintenance to 24/7 on-road assistance. Look for the following services when you choose a fleet leasing company:

A reputed fleet leasing company frees you from the hassles of fleet maintenance and management by employing an exclusive team of professionals to handle all the maintenance and repair needs of your fleet. Look for a company that offers an extensive maintenance package for your fleet.

Tyre Safety Management
Tyres have a major influence on a vehicle’s safety, fuel consumption and driving risks. Responsible fleet services have a team of experts to assess the condition of the tyres and equip each vehicle in a fleet with the safest and most fuel-efficient tyres. This usually comes under your fleet’s management service.

Instant Replacement Service
The timeliness and mobility of the employees are of paramount importance to any business. Choose a service that offers you instant replacement in case of breakdowns or maintenance so that you can keep up the efficiency of your employee’s mobility and performance.

Fuel Management
Choose a fleet service that offers an exclusive system to analyze your fleet’s fuel requirements and suggest the right vehicles and driving techniques to ensure maximum fuel efficiency for your fleet.

24/7 On-road Assistance
Always go for a car rental service that offers 24/7 on-road service, so that if a car breaks down on the way, your employee can get quick repair assistance and a replacement car if the repair takes too long.

A good car leasing company keeps your comfort and ease-of-use its top priority. An experienced fleet service like ALD Automotive has a dedicated team of professionals to handle the maintenance and repair of the cars in your fleet so that you can invest your valuable time and energy in other core areas of your business. 

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